Why Millennials Love Nutraceutical Beverages

Today’s generation of young adults live in a world far different from that of their parents. The estimated 66 million members of the millennial generation in the United States have come of age in an era defined by the rise of the internet and the digitalization of just about everything. They also face greater economic uncertainty than prior generations, and by and large are more discerning in their choices as a consumer group. As a generation so focused on self-improvement and making decisions that fall in line with their lifestyle choices, it’s only natural that millennials are flocking toward healthy beverages designed to help both their minds and bodies perform at their peak. Yet it would appear there is something else, deeper than simple self-interest at play here.


Nutraceuticals have become something of a buzzword among this generation of overstimulated, often over-stressed adults. Also known as ‘functional foods’ nutraceuticals include any food or beverage intended to provide more significant health benefits than a typical balanced diet would provide. Some examples of popular nutraceuticals cited by proponents are eggs and fatty fish enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids. Herbal supplements and products enhanced with either prebiotics or probiotics also provide many benefits. Especially popular among ever on-the-go people, are nutraceutical beverages, allowing young adults to gain all the benefits of proper nutrition without having to stop and prepare a full meal.


Some examples of trending nutraceutical beverages include natural mineral waters geared to provide optimal hydration, drinks fortified with probiotics, and a wide variety of coconut or other plant-based beverages, mainly as substitutes for dairy. What all these beverages tend to have in common is a host of purported health benefits and a focus on organic or sustainable sourcing.


This does not mean, however, that these health-conscious and environmentally-conscious products have to be bland. Many are still formulated to appeal to the novelty-loving millennial palate and include bold and exotic fruit flavorings, including mangosteen, goji berry, jaboticaba or acai. Many nutraceutical beverages are also unafraid to spice things up, with cardamom or tamarind making surprisingly tasty appearances. Other botanic infusions, such as hibiscus or lavender have also become increasingly popular.


So, the next time you spot a new probiotic organic yogurt drink or sustainably bottled spirulina-enhanced mineral water on a store shelf, you’ll know it’s just a sign of the times and the massive generational shifts at play. Thanks to the changes brought on by the millennial palate, there’s certainly no better time than now to drink not just to your health, but perhaps to the planet’s health as well.