Sour Cocktails Offer New Flavor Opportunities

The past few years have seen a rise in popularity of candy flavored and dessert flavored cocktails. From sweet favorites, such as cotton candy and whipped cream, to more complex concoctions, such as birthday cake, there continues to be a multitude of different sweet options for flavoring vodka, rum, and other types of alcoholic beverages. While these “sweet” flavors will likely continue to be popular for some time, a new flavor trend is now rising in popularity.


That new trend is the sour flavored cocktail. Sour flavors continue to dominate the candy market, with options available in everything from jellybeans to delicious gummy treats. Now those popular sour flavors are making their way into the flavored alcohol and cocktail market.


These cocktail flavors are available in many different varieties, including popular sour candy flavors. A great example of this is sour green apple, a delicious treat that combines sour and tart flavors with the sweet, crisp flavor of apples to create an instantly recognizable and delicious treat. Because of the popularity of apple flavored cocktails, this is sure to continue as one of the biggest flavor trends on the market. Natural Flavor Ingredients, such as Advanced Biotech’s Natural Ethyl Levulinate, can be used to create that delicious apple flavor, combined with ingredients such as Natural Pyruvic Acid for that biting, sour edge.


Of course, apple is just one example of the many delicious sour flavors that can be created in a flavored cocktail or alcoholic beverage. Citrus flavors are especially great when combined with sour flavors like melon. Even berry flavors can receive a bit of a kick with the addition of sour flavor notes. This offers flavorists plenty of room for creativity while creating something that can compete with the deliciously sweet flavors that still reign supreme in the flavored alcohol market.