Cereal Trends We Love
Even after more than a century of use, breakfast cereal remains a household staple and something that people of all ages eat regularly. As consumers increasingly look for healthy and convenient breakfast options, cereal companies are under pressure to keep up. Here are some of the trends we see that will likely continue to grow.
Less sugar
There is a definite trend toward reducing sugar in everything from breakfast foods to desserts to beverages. Cereal lovers are seeking lower-sugar options, creating opportunities in the market. However, it also creates new challenges for brands – specifically, how to add flavor while subtracting sugar. Natural sweeteners, dried fruits, and natural flavor ingredients are all good ways to add taste without sugar (or with less).
More convenience
In today’s busy world, more and more people eat breakfast and snacks on the go. That means that cereal manufacturers can attract more attention by making their products more portable. Brands have responded to this need in a few different ways, including portable packaging and larger cereal clusters to eat directly without a bowl. This trend is especially true for younger consumers, who tend to eat cereal any time of day.
Energy and satiety
Many consumers maintain the belief that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they look to their morning meal to supply all-day energy. Today’s buyers believe that their cereals should provide more alertness, contain functional ingredients, be more filling, and generally act as a more complete and nutritious meal. One of the most common ways that cereal companies are responding to this demand is by adding protein, especially in cereal products positioned as snacks.
Feelings of nostalgia
Happy memories can play a significant role in the marketing of breakfast cereals. People love to enjoy their favorite brands, the ones that remind them of their childhoods. This reason alone is enough for many people to choose a specific brand. Although most manufacturers are shying away from the brightly-colored and sugary cereals of yesteryear, they can still spark feelings of nostalgia – for example, through limited-time flavors or the addition of specific flavor ingredients to create the taste of yesterday in a healthier, more grown-up option.